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Author Topic: ‪#‎MyDuterteStory‬: Duterte & Durian By: Editha Zaragoza Caduaya  (Read 2786 times)


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Many criticize Mayor Rodirgo Duterte for being so brutal, vulgar and frank-- worse, they say, he cannot live a day without a slur.

Here in Davao, he is compared to a Durian: a fruit-hard and thorny outside but tender and tasty inside.

For one who does not know him inside out, may say- Duterte is bastos; sexist; macho; narcisist; say it all-he has it.

For some people, this tough talking Mayor is a "ladies man" who fondly flirts women, it is an open book here.

But, the city ordinance which Duterte himself inspired state the otherwise.

Davao City was the first to pass and implement the Women and Children Development Code.

Among the noticeable prohibition is "Commodifying women. Thus, wearing swimsuits during beauty contest is a No! No! Here.

Duterte publicly admits being a womanizer, but you cannot see a girl nor a partner beside him in government functions.

Again, he admits having killed individuals but no one, not even in a grapevine says so.

But for every pronouncement and warning he utter, expect a result coming.

I was a senior reporter of a local daily here, sometime- September 1997 when Duterte in a press conference read the names of 132 individuals whom he described as persona "who help him and the city in its campaign against illegal drugs use."

During the same press conference, Duterte warned drug lords and all persons into illegal drugs trade "shape up or ship out, or I will come and get you."

The following morning, dozens of patents, wives and relatives of those name he called went to the then Narcotics Command (NARCOM) and surrendered their children for rehabilitation.

In the Afternoon of the same day, a suspected big time drug pusher was killed by police authorities after the victim resisted arrest.

New year's eve of 2004, six foreign nationals were killed by combined elements from Phil. Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA); Talomo police and intelligence operatives inside a shabu laboratory along the Davao-Digos national highway.

The PDEA bragged, that was the biggest haul in the history of shabu raid in the country.

In Davao, Duterte appoints deputy mayors for all indigenous tribes, for him to consult should problem arise.

There is gender equality among people, no one is discriminated, truth to this is the city's anti-discrimination ordinance.

In many press conferences I covered, I witnessed how Duterte on top of his voice scolded criminals and law violators, slapped and kicked them but I cannot remember a day he put blood on his palm.

People outside Davao does not see him cry for every death of an innocent child or helpless civilian, but those who witnessed the human side of Duterte, he is their savior and their knight of shining armor.

He cried everytime for every victim of injustice and oppression.

his heart bleeds when their is hunger and helplessness, thus, institutionalizing Lingap Para sa Mahirap Program, which provides not just food and medicine but including shelter.

People outside Davao never witnessed the though talking Duterte crying and personally attending to his people in the midst of calamities and despair.

What they see and hear is the strict posturing and strong words he utters.

They never had a glimpse of the real Rodrigo Duterte.

But for Davao people, Duterte is not just their Mayor- for them he is also security guard who is on duty 24/7.

He is the friend of the oppressed and law-abiding citizens but a nightmare to the lawless elements.

Duterte's warmth caress and deep sense of leadership-maybe the reason why people love him.

Proof to this is the overwhelming vote he gets every elections during the last 23 years.

For one to know Duterte, try eating Durian.

Yes, the Rody Duterte leadership is like- Durian- smells like HELL but tastes like heaven.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 06:59:49 am by A7x »


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his dedication is unquestionable.... i just hope he be more sensitive with the words that comes out of his mouth... i'd rather see those words in actions since people tends to see more in what you accomplish and not what you say...


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Not when the media owned by the oligarchs keep on repeating what one says either to promote their bets for their personal gains or to exploit the mistakes of those they see as threats to the connivery existing between oligarchy and the government. Duterte is not only fighting for the presidency, he is fighting against the world.


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and yet people weigh words more than actions... his actions do not lie


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well that is the problem with most of the filipinos... we tend to believe more in what we hear...


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Well written could you forward your story to me via email or something para malahay ko sa fb ko people need to know about this. . . .