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Author Topic: How it all started me on Rising Force PH  (Read 4076 times)


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How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« on: June 05, 2013, 08:38:04 am »
in memory of RF Ph calling it quits

Levelup had a Lore Writing Contest for your Character in the game to give Closed Beta Access back in 2005 for RF Online, i was lucky enough to be one of the 100 to get Closed Beta Access when i submit this in the contest section and i was able to recover and save it a few years ago

*please excuse any errors this was when i just wrote whatever came out of my head at that time in a rush to submit this entry

name: xtian63
race: Bellato

1. Character Appearance - medium built, 5'6", black short hair(geled upwards so i can see what im doing, where im going, what im fighting), black eyes, light brown complexion ,i like the occasional growth of a gotee and sideburns...if your gonna kick ass you gotta look the part that's what i say, i wear that i can wear, im not really that much into being to dressed up for anything, only for what the situation calls for but i do have some stuff I've gotten used to, my goggles for when im driving or riding my MAU with a visor configuration so when i attach it to my KB,PDA and MAUs or any other electonic device so i have complete visual interface(meaning data is shown on my goggles much like a monitor or an LCD for a PC)used specially during diagnostics and damage/upgrade assesment of my MAU and other devices and has a built in camera, a forearm LCD touchscreen keyboard(compact size) on my left forearm to type or input data and a virtual pointer on my right glove(acts as a mouse type pointer when i use my goggles as my virtual visual interface), audio communicator attachment to my goggles(earpiece and mic with direct interface to my forearm KB), plain black or red Armor Rider jacket, maybe a white shirt inside, a utility bel complete with tools for repairing or upgrading MAUs with battery packs and portable storage device(a compact HD if u will for storing data, video recon/recordings), repair plans, shcematics,system upgrades and utilities for MAUs (a bit handy for MAU repair and reboot on the battle field), a nice pair of pants(jeans,leather, ot any tough material that can be used in the field) and a nice pair of boots... a solid pair of ankle high cut boots that can stand wear and tear during combat and tredding is always a good investment coz u don't wana be stranded in the middle of the dessert when your MAU gets busted and you have to walk all the way back to HQ with a pair of flimsy sneakers, a pair of gloves(the sturdier material is better) with good grip that are good for driving MAUs or repairing them, and an oldschool PDA(personal digital assistant) that i can use to interface with my devices and MAUs for repair,upgrade,diagnostics and other needs(i also have music,videos,pics, a journal,scheduler and other cool stuff with a built in camera and communicator) and has an attatchment on my utility belt

2. Character History -xtian63 fights against the acretians so thet others will not have the same fate he had, growing up alone without his parents and trying to find somewhere where he can belong, trying to find his sister who has never known their parents,training to be the best MAU driver and eventually Armor Rider that he can be, he fights the acretians so that they cannot kill anymore, a huge task for one soldier but serving with the Federation he can fight for it with others by his side

3. Personality - xtian63 is a bit of a loner, who spends most of his time in the the MAU hangar repairing/upgrading MAUs and infront of the PC tryng ti figure out new ways to use and upgrade MAUs, your first impression of him may make you think he had too much pride and complicated as a person but once you get under his skin youll find out he is as simple and as down to earth as anyone, not having a lot of friends doesnt mean hes not friendly, those who become his friendsare those who truly understand who he is, these friends are worth taking a bullet for in his eyes, trying to find a sense of belonging in existence, being alone far too long, but doesnt know how



"Alone, I don't want other people to be alone. I don't want children to grow up alone, that's why I'm here, fighting in this war, doing what I do, ridding MAUs into battle, taking down Accretian mechs big and small, so that they can never make people alone,they would never take peoples' loved ones away. No one would ever be alone like i was again"

I was known as christian but people know me better as xtian... why 63? I don't know, i can't remember why i put this number next to my name, for as long as i can remember it's always been there...

The only memories that i have of my family is in this little electonic device that was found inside the backpack i had. I was a child found inside the wreckage of a crashed civilian transport ship, alone, crying, crying for my mom and dad, barerly moving, barely alive. They said it was a miracle i survived, i wished i didn't, i wished i died, i wish im with my mom and dad right now in heaven. That's where they told me they went, good people go to heaven. I didn't die and go to heaven, i was alive, i was alone, but i was alive for a reason, i don't know what that reason is but i believe things happen for a reason, but i don't know the reason why im alone.

When they found me i was under the wreckage, under tons of molten hot steel. I could see a bit of light, i could hear voices, i couldn't shout, i was too weak so i just cried. They heard me crying, i could hear something coming, something big, something mechanical, i was scared, i cried more. I thought it was one of them, one of the monsters that shot us from the sky, one of those machines. Suddenly the big shard of metal was lifted, it was bright, all i could see was the shadow of a giant mecha lifting the piece of wreckage. I stopped crying. I was so scared nothing came out of my mouth, my tears stopped dripping from my eyes. I thought it was gona kill me, i wished it did, so i could be in heaven. But i heard a voice, i couldnt understand at first, maybe coz i was too scared, but slowly i began to understand it:

"Are you alright, are you hurt, im gona get you out of here don't worry".

I was scared coz it was mecha but when it spoke it made me feel safe. It picked me up and on its arms and i fell asleep.

Days later I came to i opened my eyes the light was too bright, but i could see i tried to figure out where i was, what was around me, i was in a room, on a bed, i was in the hospital. I had bandages, in my arms, legs and head. Then i felt something, i needed to pee. I stood up and went to the bathroom. After that i sat on the bed trying to remember what happened, how it was that im in the hospital but all could remember sleeping on my mom's lap with her soft voice on my ear singing a lullabye when suddenly we heard a loud explosion. We were hit, particle cannon blasts(as a child all i could say were blue fire balls). I looked out the window and i could see smoke and fire, but out ofthe blackness i could see a machine, a mecha shaped like a gun on the cliff we were passing by. Then it change, into a machine shaped like a man, its all i could remember. I could still hear the screaming:

"Were gona crash, were all gona die!"

But out of all this my mom whispered to my ear, i could hear it even though explosions and screams were around me, she said:

"Dont worry christian, its gona be ok, momma promises, its all gona be ok."

And at that brief moment i belived her and i knew everything would be ok, then she hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. My dad also kissed me on the forehead and said:

"Grow up and live your life fighting for what you belive in, never give up, never loose hope, dream and follow your heart where ever it may take you."

And then my mom told me to sleep, i woke up alone under the wreckage were i was found. I heard a knock on the door and it opened. A woman enters, shes wearing a white coat, glasses and a stethoscope. She was the doctor, my doctor.


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2013, 08:40:35 am »

"How are you feeling?" she asked, but i didnt answer.

"Your a very lucky boy." she added.

"Was I?" i thought to myself.

"You barely had any serious injuries on you, good thing they found you before the wreckage exploded"

"Exploded? Where is my mom and dad?" asked.

She bowed her head and sighed, then looked at me and said i was the only one found. I was the only life signature detected on the wreckage. She said she was sorry. They didnt find mom and dad but i said its ok, it wasnt her fault. It was no one's fault, but then i remembered that mecha, it was his fault, he did it, he took mom and dad away. But i know they were in a better place now, in heaven, mom told me when granpa died good people go to heaven and i knew they were with granpa coz they were good people. They loved me so much, up to the very end. They will always live forever in my heart. The doctor went out of the room and she told me to rest. I lay down on the bed crying, i wanted to see them. Then i remembered seeing my backpack on the table and i opened it. My clothes were inside and dads PDA was too. He made me play with it on the ship so i wouldnt get bored. It was turned off so I tried to turn it on but it wasnt working. I remembered dad plugged it in when it was low in power so i pluged it in and turned it on. I went to the pictures, our pictures, me with my mom and dad and my sister. I remembered my sister. She was with my relatives on the other side planet. She was just a baby, still too young to travel. Ill find her and be with her. I saw videos of me and my parents, a tear rolled down my cheeck and i stared crying. Hearing the voices of my mom and dad. I wiped my tears. Im alone. Im alone now coz of those machines and i hated machines. I was a child and all i knew was that machines were all bad. But i remembered that one machine, that one mecha that talked to me and made me feel safe. It rescued me and i wanted to find it to and ask it why it saved me while another machine made me sad and alone. I wanted answers, but i was a child. I still couldnt but someday will find out why. I will have an answer to my question, and i will stop this. I will stop other people from being lonely and loosing the ones they love. I will never forget what happened to us. I will never forget my parents, I will never forget what they said...

After i healed up i was adopted by the Federation military and put under the care of the military training school. I lived with with other children who were sent by their parents to be brought up to be upstanding members of the Federation as officers and officials. They were wealthy children, children of the Nobility. Most of them had family members who were high ranking officials in the Federation. If you wanted to fight in the war but had no money you would be in the lower ranks, the front lines. But if you were like most of the children i was with and had families who have minning rights on Novus, had access to the best ores you could afford to be put into specialized trainging to have high ranks an positionsin the Federation armed forces. But still if you were brave enough and did heroic deeds, your rank would go up, the old fashioned way. Even before bureauchracy started to influence the military i was lucky, i was trained to fight in this war, a war i didnt know what was for. I was young and i had no idead why there was a war, and why my parents were taken from me. I was alone and I was all by myself. I felt this the most on the days when families were allowed to visit. I stayed in my room, looked at my PDA, i missed my family and cried. I cried myself to sleep until the day was over, and families left.

A year went by and we were studying the enemy. We began to study the Accretians. A race of mechanical beings bringing with them death and desturction. Why? What for? Why were the here? Why did they start this war? We were told for ore, precious minerals. The most valuable material in the universe. Then i thought to myself:

“Rocks? Ores? Minerals? mom and dad died because of some stupid minerals?"

I hated these minerals, these rocks, these things that we were fighting for. I didnt wana fight this war for these stupid rocks. They showed us samples of these minerals but to my fellow trainees these were a common sight comming from families who mine these things. Its obvious to me why theyre families sent them to train in this exclusive training facility, and that was to fight for the right to mine more minerals.

"Stupid!" i said to myself.

Now i knew why we were here and what this was is for. They fight for ores. I fight for people. My reasons in this war were clear. Ill train to be the best while im here. But like what my dad told me, fight for what i believe in. Then they showed us pictures and videos of the enemy. I was paying close attention, specially to that one type that shot us out of the sky that night, i hated them, i hated all machines. Except for my PDA, it was my only friend, the only thing that made me feel good, the only thing that reminded me of how happy i was with my family. <aybe if one small machine wasnt like the accretians, maybe there are others like it. Then i remembered the mecha that rescued me, i hoped i could find it, i hoped i could see it again, i was thinking it was out there resucing other people, fighting the enemy, fighting for humanity.

We went on a field trip on to the MAU Facility. I didnt have any idea about MAU, what it was or what the wor MAU stood for. My fellow trainees only told me they were mecha.

"Were they the enemy?are they new types of accretians?", I wondered. I started to remember how scared i was that day.

We entered the main hangar where the MAU were kept. I looked up, I saw machines, giants, standing still, lifeless, I asked the officer giving the tour:

"Why are they not moving?are they dead? i thought the enemy were living machines?"

He looked at me and said:

"No cadet, these are not the enemy, these are not accretians, yes they are not moving because they need Armor Riders to ride them into battle against the enemy."

He pressed a few buttons on a control pannel near a MAU and it opened up its chest then i saw a cockpit much like in an aircraft. The officer said:

"Here is where the rider sits down and controls the MAU to fight the enemy."

Then he sat inside, pressed a few buttons, and the chest closed and the MAU said in a familiar voice:

"Massive Armored Unit online"

That voice, where have i heard that voice before? Then it stood up, walked infront of the light. I was suddenly in that place a year ago, when mom and dad were taken from me. The light gave the effect of giving the MAU the same form I remember when that mecha rescued me. It was the same mecha. But how was it that the voice was familiar to me. I knew MAUs could not speak on their own, so it means the rider was the one who spoke to me. Was he the same one who rescued me that day? I had to know, we finished the tour and he asked if we had any questions. I stood up, I hesitated but he said go on, i said:

"Sir did you rescue a boy from a transport ship crash about a year ago?"

He replied:

"About a year ago this week the attack on this sector began when the enemy appeared, we were sent out to defend any civilian vessels what were unprotected, we came to a crash site that we thought no one could survive, a life scan of the area showed a life signal beneath a huge chunk of the wreckage, yes I did rescue a boy, but after the rescue we were sent to other sectors to fight, I never knew what happened to that boy and where he went, how did you know?" he asked.

I answered:

"I was that boy sir!"

With a sturdy salute a tear dropped from my eye. I was in the presence of the man who saved me and I could only show my gratitude and respect by saluting him. He saluted back. I was happy coz not all machines caused pain and loneliness. Only the accretians do. The MAU brought hope in the battle, to level up the playing field, I wanted to be like him, the officer who saved my with a MAU, machines made me alone, I wanted to use machines to prevent the lonliness from ever happening again.

After completeing basic and advanced training I went on to the Armor Rider MAU Division where I learned everything I could learn about MAUs in and out. I was taught by the best, I was taught by the man who saved me, I was taught by my hero. I learned that a Rider and his MAU arent like a soldiers with a gun, I learned that the full potential of my MAUs can be brought out by the skill and heart of the rider in it. Rider and MAU are partners working together to fight for the future, for what the Rider believes in. I began to see MAUs not as mere weapons but as an extension of myself. They are mechanical part of my self and i am the human part of the MAU. The human part of a mecha. Unlike the accretians who only have a brain but they dont have a heart and thats why im better that the enemy. I trained extensively in Driving, Riding, repairing, uprgrading and modifications of MAUs. I wasnt alone anymore coz i had my teacher. He was like my 2nd dad.

One day he was called on a mission to lead an all out assault on the mines. I was in the back up division. We were sent in, we fought the enemy as if there wasnt gona be a tomorrow and we saw what happened to the first wave of MAUs, destroyed. I had 1 faint life signal and I followed it to a familiar MAU It was teacher's MAU. I opened it up and he was still alive, he was happy. He said he was glad I was the one who found him and he was so proud of me. He told me never to give up and fight for what I believed in. At this moment, I saw both him and my real dad at the same time. I took him back to the retrieval area where were picked up. He was barely alive and the doctors said he was in a coma. He was in pretty bad shape coz he had to many injuries both internal and external. They said he might not make it. When I asked when his family was notified, they said when they checked his personal records, my name was on the file on the space "living family/relatives". He was alone too and I was the only one he had, I lay on the couch and fell asleep. I was awaken and the doctor said he was gone. I cried. I went to his room, I gave him a salute, this time he couldnt salute back, but i knew in my heart he was.

A formal ceremony honoring his heroism was done and they gave him a heroes burial, he was given medals for his bravery and sacrifice. He was made a Colonel as he passed on in honor. I was also given a medal for going into the battle field and rescuing a soldier who was still alive. But i disobeyed orders and went in to rescue, when we were ordered to pull out, so i wasnt promoted neither was i discharged for disobeying orders, I was lucky. But most in my unit said in their eyes i was a hero that day. When I rescued a man who taught them everything they know, and just like me he was a father to them. Most of us wanted to become like him, I wanted to honor him by being the best that i can be, but i thought i would never the warrior or the hero that he was, but i sure was gona try.

I heard we were being shipped out to the part of the planet were my sister was. Maybe I wont be alone anymore, and I can show her the pics and vids of mom and dad on the PDA. She can finaly know who our parents were. I also found out my teacher had a family but he left them to fight in the war but he had pictures of them, on his belongings that they gave to me. The picture was taken on the place where my sister was. He never told anyone because he didnt want them to hear the news if he ever died. But they had to find out he was a hero, not just to me, but for the fight against the enemy, they were not gona be alone, I would make sure of that.

Now, the fight continues. For others the right to mine ores, for me... the fight is against pain, against being alone, against the enemy, the accrestians and I will fight with my partner, my MAU. I would gladly die inside a MAU any day, I was christian... now I am xtian.


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2013, 09:05:57 am »
Pre anong server ka? Familiar ah

Same batch lng tayo



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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2013, 09:17:11 am »
Pre anong server ka? Familiar ah

Same batch lng tayo


if im not mistaken ALTRAX Bellato, one of the Founging members of the Dreadnought Guild, mga early 2008 ako nagstop nung lumabas yung Cabal, played RF US after that for a while


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2013, 09:32:35 am »
master... you wanna try RF private server? =)


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2013, 09:37:19 am »
master... you wanna try RF private server? =)

haha thanks but graduate na ako sa RF eh, may RF International Account pa rin ako, im waiting for Elder Scroll Online


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2013, 02:45:27 pm »
isa rin ako sa mga beta player ng

e2 char ko...since high school days pa ako nag lalaro n2... pero nung dumating ang time pag makukuha mo na lahat ng gamit na gus2 mo mag sasawa karin,...ganun nangyari sakin kaya benenta ko account.wala na kc saysay mag laro kong makukuha mo na ang goal mo sa laro ..


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2013, 04:44:52 pm »
Im an Accretian from altrax server. Played the game from Closed beta and stopped playing around 2007 or 2008 ata when it became monotonous and boring. Anyway, i was a hardcore player back then, lotsa trash talking and pit boss fights lol.[img]]


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 04:48:29 pm »


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2013, 04:50:17 pm »
Sorry guys hindi ako marunong mag edit ng post kaya na double post tuloy. Anyway Master, if you're from Dreadnought, kilala mo si Aish or Kiboo? She's my friend irl and a core member of the Dreadnought family.


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2013, 08:42:07 pm »
these are what i have left of my run in RF. will never play the game again.sad to see PH end as well. great post masterchief. as always.  finger4u


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2013, 08:43:14 pm »
2nd time i broke the chip.. and i remembered to SS


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2013, 08:56:03 pm »
I'm from Altrax Metal Accrecia
Char Name: KhayirTee

Founders of Guild Apocalypse...
Missed my comrades...


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2013, 09:50:25 pm »
Sorry guys hindi ako marunong mag edit ng post kaya na double post tuloy. Anyway Master, if you're from Dreadnought, kilala mo si Aish or Kiboo? She's my friend irl and a core member of the Dreadnought family.

i kinda remember Aish pero the last 2 people i still remember and have contact with in the old dreads is Cloms and Xtiansen

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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2013, 02:43:29 am »
namiss ko bigla ang aking spec, message ng message ng NJ! NJ! NJ!


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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2013, 05:16:24 am »
I'm from Altrax Metal Accrecia
Char Name: KhayirTee

Founders of Guild Apocalypse...
Missed my comrades...

Uy Pre, meron din Apocalypse na Guide sa Xenos Server (Bellato)

Affiliated ba kayo dun?

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Re: How it all started me on Rising Force PH
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2013, 01:14:25 am »
Dami mga ACC. :))
Wala akong sig. Eto nalang >> 2007 | Bravehearts