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Author Topic: 1BRO 7 ways to earn.. (5th-7th)  (Read 2286 times)


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1BRO 7 ways to earn.. (5th-7th)
« on: August 15, 2013, 10:33:13 pm »

Since endorsing 1Bro Global is the best and the fastest way for you to earn more,1Bro included this 5th way to earn to increase your earnings. In the 4th way to earn, you can refer as much as you want and you’ll get paid Php500 for every direct referral, and to place them under you team, you need to decide whether you will place them in your corporate team A (left) or corporate team B (right). Now you might ask me why there’s a need for you to select which team you would like them to be placed. The reason behind this is really fantastic one: selecting which team will pave way to the 5th way to earn–1Bro’s Pairing Bonus. Pairing bonus is an income generated when a dealer gets two new dealers under his team A and team B.

Reality Check–The More You Share, The More You Gain
With traditional business established in a certain area for a specific market, should there be another person or group who likes your business concept and copies you, the inevitable thing will happen, you will lose your market share–pulling your profits down. But since your business concept is really great, more entities will become jealous and envious of your success and they would like to get a good share of the market that you are in, another threat that you can’t control.

Every market has its own competition, every business has to compete with another business to get a market share, but with 1Bro Global Inc., you don’t  have to worry about that since the business concept is all about sharing and just like the 3rd way to earn whereas when you share it, you will gain more. The 1Bro Global business concept should you share it, would make your maraket bigger and in the process make your profit increase.
Reality Check–The Power to Multiply 1Bro’s Pairing Bonus has the power to multiply your earnings by awarding the dealer additional Php500 whenever there are new dealers for each corporate team and the best thing about it is you don’t need to have a perfect pairing system or pyramid-like pairing system in order for you to receive compensation. Regardless of what different levels are the two new dealers in each corporate team are placed, 1Bro Dealer will have a pairing bonus. Aside from the fact that you can have a pairing bonus regardless of what level, this is applicable even by your upline or mentor. Truly the Pairing Bonus is the most loved from the different ways to earn, allowing a 1Bro Global dealer to earn as mush as Php30,000 per day, Php210,000 per week and Php900,000 per month. Mind you, these maximum earnings are per account and not per business partner.

Math & Money
Look into your future. You will enjoy endorsing 1Bro since it’s very easy and the products that you are sharing are what we use every day. From the dealers you have last time, you were able to duplicate the numbers and placed an equal amount of members on each corporate team. We have 25 dealers for Team a and Team B each:
25 Dealers x 2 Corporate Teams = 50 Dealers (25 Pairs)
25 Pairs x Php500 = Php12,500
Pairing Bonus = Php12,500.00
All dealers have their own 2 Corporate Teams and therefore would be more likely to endorse the business to others. Let’s have the 50 dealers have 2 direct referrals each and let’s see how much you can earn:
50 Dealers x 2 = 100 New Dealers
100 Dealers / 2 Corporate Teams = 50 Pairs
50 Pairs x Php500 = Php25,000
Additional Pairing Bonus = Php25,000.00
With the original pairing bonus and the additional one, you have earned already Php37,500.00 which started from you and continued by your business partners under you which will still grow bigger in the coming days.
So what are you waiting for exactly? Your team will multiply whether you like it or not and the Pairing Bonus allows you to take advantage of it. Remember sharing is not just caring, but enabling people to receive what you are currently receiving.

6th Way to Earn : Indirect Referral Bonus

You have endorsed 1Bro successfully and you are still earning from the Unlimited Direct Referral Bonus and the Pairing Bonus, now what comes next? It may be enough for you, but 1Bro Global Inc would like you to have more, so aside from those two bonuses you are receiving by sharing 1Bro, you’ll get to have Indirect Referral Bonus.

Remember that you have made several direct referrals, now with the indirect referral bonus you will receive additional Php25 for every dealer who signs up under your team from your 2nd to the 8th level.
To further explain, remember you have endorsed the business and the new 1BroDealer you have is your 1st level. And when your business partners endorse 1Bro Global to others and they get their own direct referrals, it would be their 1st level direct referrals and would be your 2nd level. As each levels endorse 1Bro, the level progresses. Each new dealers endorsed will get you to earn Php25.
Reality Check–Multi-level
They say each one of us have 5,000 friends although in reality we only have 100. Now, how is it possible for one to have 5,000 friends? Simple. Your 100 friends have other friends who have other friends and so on and so forth. It’s a small world. The person you just bumped into might be a friend of your friend, and when properly introduced to each other might become your friend. A friend that you haven’t met yet. Facebook proved it years ago. Facebook’s predecessors Friendster and Multiply proved it as well. But it never allowed you to earn even a cent.
1Bro Global Inc. is both a social and a financial network. You share 1Bro to others, you earn. They share 1Bro to others, they earn and you earn as well. You get to have a team who envisions less poverty in the Philippines, Filipinos earning well and living lives with true financial and time freedom.
Math & Money
Look into your future. You have successfully endorsed the business to four of your friends. and these four friends of your endorsed the business to their four friends as well. Doing the trend of endorsing to four, so on and so forth. Let’s see how much you can earn.

To review:
1st level : 4 Dealers x Php500 = Php2,000
2nd level : (4 Dealers x 4) 16 Dealers x Php25 = Php400
3rd level : (16 Dealers x 4) 64 Dealers x Php25 = Php1,600
4th level : (64 Dealers x 4) 256 Dealers x Php25 = Php6,400
5th level : (256 Dealers x 4) 1,024 Dealers x Php25 = Php25,600
6th level : (1,024 Dealers x 4) 4,096 Dealers x Php25 = Php102,400
7th level : (4,096 Dealers x 4) 16,384 Dealers x Php25 = Php409,600
8th level : (16,384 Dealers x 4) 65,536 Dealers x Php25 = Php1,638,400
The sample computation above is just a guide since every 1Bro dealer can have more than 4 business partners and since the membership is lifetime, each one can have unlimited referrals. Just in case you have thought that Php25 is little to be part of the most generous compensation, think again, as 1Bro’s indirect referral bonus lets you earn without lifting a finger.

7th Way to Earn : Leadership Bonus

1Bro Leaders are the people who define the team. They are the people who empower, educate, lead & guide, and take responsibilities for each business partners. With all the work and responsibilities in building, maintaining growth and empowering the team, leaders are sometimes compensated less, or worst, not at all. As 1Bro Global envisions everyone to be leaders who will lead people away from poverty, 1Bro Global Inc. strategically placed a compensation for leaders. Now, who would like to be a leader?

Reality Check–A Dealer is a Leader in 1Bro
“Every 1Bro Dealers is a 1Bro Leader” –Paulo Adviento
There is no other progress for oneself but to step-up and lead. With 1Bro, you are equipped with trainings and support along with what 1Bro Team Alodia Exodiaprovides. We want you to be a leader and be compensated with it. Remember that you being a dealer, you have two corporate teams, just like eveyr dealer you have under you. In some point, one of your corporate teams may overpower the other team by numbers, halting your pairing bonus temporarily, but do not worry as1Bro designed the leadership bonus to enable you to earn even if you have just one strong corporate team. With the leadership bonus, you will get the 10% of the total pairing bonus of your direct referrals they earned in a month. Even if you have just 1 direct referral but he has so many business partners for both corporate teams enabling him to have pairing bonuses, you will get to have the 10% of it, all you just need to do is to train them and have at least 1 direct referral for a month.

Math & Money
Look into your future. You have endorsed 1Bro to 5 of your friends and your friends endorsed it to several people as well. Now let’s look what you can earn from leadership bonus.
5 Dealers’ Pairing Bonus x 10% = Leadership Bonus
Dealer #1 : Php50,000 Pairing Bonus x 10% = Php5,000
Dealer #2 : Php5,000 Pairing Bonus x 10% = Php500
Dealers #3 : Php45,000 Pairing Bonus x 10% = Php4,500
Dealer #4 : Php120,000 Pairing Bonus x 10% = Php12,000
Dealer #5 : Php30,000 Pairing Bonus x 10% = Php3,000
Leadership Bonus = Php25,000.00
As you do 1Bro you will encounter people who are able to share the 1Bro Globalbusiness opportunity in an immeasurable way thus allowing you to earn more. The more they endorse the business, the larger your leadership bonus. They keys to having a big leadership bonus: helping your business partners in the business, working as a team and being an example of a true 1Bro Global Inc. dealer, endorsing 1Bro to everyone, everywhere, every time thus getting at least 1 direct referral for a month.