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Author Topic: The Other End Of The Terrorist Spectrum  (Read 9932 times)


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The Other End Of The Terrorist Spectrum
« on: July 24, 2011, 04:28:50 pm »
For the better part of the past three decades, the world's attention has been (to use the words of former U.S. president Bill Clinton) focused like a laser beam on Islamic fundamentalists and their ongoing campaign of terror against those they perceive as enemies of their faith. But in doing so, the world might very well have been turning a blind eye to another equally dangerous threat.

After the Oslo bombing and the Utoya massacre this past week, the immediate conclusion made by many people was that it was the work of Muslim terrorists with ties to Al-Qaeda. British newspaper The Sun, in fact, even made that seemingly foregone conclusion their headline:

The primary suspect for the attacks turned out to be 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik. By all accounts, Breivik was an average Norwegian citizen with only minor crimes documented against him. He is said to be unaffiliated with any of the country's known extremist organizations. This allowed him to go unnoticed until his murderous rampage last Friday.

As police investigations continue, Breivik's right-wing, anti-Muslim beliefs are coming into the public eye--including a 1500-page manifesto that outlines his plans for a "revolution".

Hopefully, the twin atrocities that took place in Norway will serve as a warning to the world to start looking at the other end of the terror spectrum and to start taking "Christian" right-wing extremists just as seriously as their "Islamic" counterparts.

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