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Author Topic: A Snake or A Rope...?  (Read 3074 times)


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A Snake or A Rope...?
« on: November 15, 2010, 01:25:07 pm »

a Classic story from Indian Scriptures which teach seekers about the nature of the mind and the way it superimposes reality onto that which is only an illusion.

    It was late at night in a small village in India.One of the villagers had been visiting a sick neighbor several miles away

and was walking down the very dark and unlit road to return home.

Now,this area was known to be frequented by dangerous and deadly snakes and the man was already very frightened

as he made his way along the path."what if I encounter a snake?"He worried,trembling at just the thought of one of

these terrible creatures.
   Suddenly,in the dim light,the man noticed something large and thick coiled up in the middle of the road."It's a

snake!"he cried out loud,as he began to scream and run in circles."Help! Help! Someone come quickly!

A snake is about to kill me!"

    Another villager happened to be not too far down the road from the first man and when he heard the commotion,he

came quickly toward the sound of the shouting.
 "What's the matter,friend?" he asked.
  "Look! Look!" shrieked the first man,pointing a shaking finger at the coiled up serpent."It's a snake!"
 The second villager was carrying a lamp and he cautiously approach the shadow in the road,held up the light,and

looked.And there before him,he saw a coil of thick rope that someone had mistakenly drooped on the path.
"friend,calm yourslef,"the villager said."There is no snake here--only a rope.Fear has made your mind play a trick on you."

How many times have you mistaken a rope,or even a string,for a snake in your own life,becoming fearful about

something that turns out to be nothing at all?

You run around,stirring everything and everyone up with your fear,trampling on your state of peace and

contentment,when all you had to do was to look more carefully at what appeared to be a snake and discover that it

was only an illusion.This is how fear drains your vital energy,your aliveness,using it to immobilize you rather than to

uplift and inspire you.

This is a metaphysical principle that says Fear is :

        False Evidence Appearing Real.

The snake appeared to be real,but it wasn't.It was false evidence of something to be afraid of.This is the way it is with so much of what we fear.If we found the courage to look more closely,to hold up the light of our own wisdom to what appeared to be blocking our way,we would see that what frightens us often doesn't even exist.

Life will always be full of ropes that appear to be snakes.perhaps they are even put it in our path to test our courage and strengthen our clarity.And the natural reaction to being confronted with what appears to threaten us is always going to be fear.So the solution is not to try and get rid of your fear but to deal with it differently.

        Fear does not go away .Your attitude towards it changes.

Every time you are confronted with fear,you have a choice as to who is going to be in charge---

your visionary,that courageous part of you,or your fear.

If you wait for your Fear to go away before you do something new or challenging,you will wait forever ::flowers


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Re: A Snake or A Rope...?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 04:38:12 pm »
that may be, but there is imaginative fear(described in your post) and real fear. we need to learn to distinguish the two.

please read gavin de becker's "gift of fear" for more information.


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Re: A Snake or A Rope...?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 01:42:47 am »
that may be, but there is imaginative fear(described in your post) and real fear. we need to learn to distinguish the two.

please read gavin de becker's "gift of fear" for more information.

thanks brader geshpenst for having a time to read and will be happy if there's any chance that you

can share or impart us a little of what you've red especially the book that you've mentioned  ;)  toast::

Mark twain the great philosopher & writer said,"Courage is resistance to fear,mastery of fear-NOT absence of Fear."

the secret of changing your relationship with fear isn't to try and destroy it-it's to make your courage,your true knowing,

much bigger to than your Fear.

It's to make your dreams and your vision much bigger than your fear.

It's to make your love for yourself much bigger than your fear.

You can do it!You are more powerful than you think you are.

We just need to listen to what the fear is telling us :

Your Fear doesn't mean : "Stand still!Don't move!

            There's is danger ahead."

Your Fear doesn't mean : Don't go forward until you know exactly what's going to happen."

Your Fear means :  "Get ready!Be prepared!A dream is trying to push its way out.

                                                     Give it all the help you can."

Your fear means :  "Here are the obstacles in your way.I'm showing them to you so you can
                                                     get rid of them once and for all."

It's your mind that is deciding what you're going to be scared of and you won't be scared of.

 You choose what to be afraid of,so you can un-choose it.You decide whether it's a snake or a rope.


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Re: A Snake or A Rope...?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 06:32:46 am »
De Becker states that

true fear is a gift.
unwarranted fear is a curse.

and we need to learn how to tell the difference.

one of the problems I see in that parable is that the problem fear is one of survival. true that listening to the voice that says "what if I..." is usually wrong, for that's usually making a prediction/self-fulfilling action. but the question is: KUNG AHAS TALAGA YUN? HE IS DEAD. PERIOD.

Some self-defense experts(eg marc macyoung, rory miller, etc) say that we have a 3 brains: human, monkey/mammal and reptile. human malamang alam natin kung ano gamit nyan. reptile is for basic life: food, drink, SEX; siya yung fight or flight. yung monkey is for emotions and group dynamics. kung may KSP eh monkey brain yung gumagana. same for drama queens.

problem is that the monkey brain has fears of losing place in the group. at dyan nagmumula ang ka-torpehan(ayaw kasi ma-basted), pagiging siga(gusto mataas sa grupo) at marami pang iba. ito daw monkey brain na ito ang gumagawa ng kung anu-anong fear na minsan hindi na angkop sa buhay natin ngayon(ex: sa barrio ng mga nakalipas ng panahon, kung binasted ako ni nene, alam ng buong madla. laman ako ng tsimis at mga pangungutya mula sa mga karibal ko. now in the city, one snubs me, WHO CARES? there are many girls and I can lose in the anonymity.)

problem is kung ang fear is for your life/safety, dun nagbabago ang dynamics. de becker has heard many instatnces na nakinig ang person sa inner voice nila tungkol sa fear, sinunod nila, at walang nangyari. thus they disregarded that same voice afterwards, kaso nga lang, nadale sila. that's why de becker advises that listen to that voice that might save your life, even if afterwards walang nangyari for it usually means na-avert yung disaster.

that's why I disagree with:"False Evidence Appearing Real". may fear talaga. you,as a female I assume you have your "kutobs". listen to them. problem is that dumarami ang fear dahil sa monkey brain.

one way(but not always) to determine if it's a monkey brain fear is kung may ibang emotions na pumapasok( galit, hiya, etc). if dahil sa emotions ka nag-take action and not only on fear alone, monkey brain yun. at saka weigh the cost of not listening. kung hindi ka nakinig sa fear eh pwede mong ikamatay, high chances that real fear yun.


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Re: A Snake or A Rope...?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2010, 09:32:32 am »
De Becker states that

that's why I disagree with:"False Evidence Appearing Real". may fear talaga. you,as a female I assume you have your "kutobs". listen to them. problem is that dumarami ang fear dahil sa monkey brain.

what you've shared was cool  8) i love monkeys  :P ;D Monkey SEE Monkey DO !  ;D

anyways,thanks for sharing brad geshpenst  :-*

you will always be right on your own opinion po  :-*

we all have a misconceptions about Fear,misconceptions that keep us stuck much longer than we need to be.

as you've already mentioned about women "kutobs". 

for instance,suppose i've met a man i really like and are becoming more and more intimate with him.

then i wake up one morning and realized i have a lot of fear about getting involved in a relationship.

how should i interpret that Fear? It could be a sign that I'm not supposed to be with this guy?

does the presence of Fear mean i am making a mistake?

The answer is probably : NO!

My Fear is a sign that i've gone beyond my comfort zone,beyond usual answers.

It signals that im entering uncharted territory,that i'm facing the unknown,that i'm opening myself up

to a new emotional adventure.

My Fear just means i'm having a human reaction to contemplating change & growth---that's all.

It's so important to know how to interpret times when i feel overwhelmed by Fear and to recognize

them as the doorways to great transformation.

For me learning how to courageously stand in the center of the storm of my fear and not be seduced by


Another important lesson about Fear :

              Fear is not inherent in an experience;we bring our Fear to the experience.

Most experiences themselves are neither positive nor negative -they're neutral.

It's what we project on to them that makes them feel positive or negative.

When it comes to our Fear,UNDERSTANDING is the key to conquering your Fear.

I love this quote by Sydney J.Harris :

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time;it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. ::flowers