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Author Topic: what is Eproctophilia?  (Read 1510 times)


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what is Eproctophilia?
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:37:49 am »

If you read Dan Savage’s column or listen to his podcast, you know that pretty much any kind of fetish you could imagine exists. Armpits, nostrils, muddy shoes. You name it and someone, somewhere gets off on it. Some even find it in their loins to get sexually aroused by things most of us consider gross: snot, vomit, farts.

One man wrote to “Savage Love” the following:

My wife doesn’t understand or approve of my sexual needs. I would like her to pass gas in my face … but she refuses to let me enjoy this natural functioning of her bowels no matter how often I discuss my needs with her.

You might have read it and thought, Is this real? (Savage suggested that the man pay someone to fart on him while remaining faithful to his wife, by the way.) Even though it seems like it’s not real, YES, eproctophilia, or flatulence fetish, is very real. But should you need further proof, British psychologist Professor Mark Griffiths has published the first ever case study of an eproctophile in the journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour.

The man known as “Brad” is a 22-year-old fine arts major from Illinois who explains that he is “not sexually attracted to flatulence per se, but the person releasing the flatulence.” He confesses that he first became interested in the “sound and the smell” of farts at the age of 16 when a male friend passed gas in front of him and he found himself fixating on it:

“At first, I didn’t want to admit I was into his farting, but eventually I decided to experiment. I set up a bet at some point and intentionally lost, with the wager being the right to fart in the loser’s face for a week. I continued to lose such bets once every few weeks for about two years.”

His interest in gas soon turned sexual when he heard a girl that he had a crush on farted in class. “This blew my mind,” Brad said. “Prior to that, I’d never really considered it. I knew by simple biology that girls farted, but hearing that the girl I had been fawning over was capable of such a thing sparked a strange interest in me.” fartscinating -