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1Bro Global Safety Net
« on: August 15, 2013, 10:42:32 pm »
There are some companies with compensation plans that are too good to be true. Big bonuses, big commissions, big pairing bonuses and even big direct referrals bonuses, but the question is: Is this healthy in terms of financial stability of the company? 1Bro Global Inc. offers the most generous compensation plan but it keeps a well-planned safetly nets or income limits so as to stay stable and profitable for both the management of 1Bro and its dealers.
Background for Stability
Every company has a feasibility study before opening up officially, problems that may occur are given solutions so as to prevent it from happening. With 1Bro Global Inc., the management and the members’ board held a brain-storming session before they released the most generous compensation plan that we know today. 1Bro identified usual problems with other multi-level marketing companies, especially for those companies that already folded and generated multiple solutions and preventive measures just to be sure that 1Bro Global will be stable for a decade and beyond.1Bro also identified similar processes and techniques of different strong and well-known multi-level marketing companies and enhanced these in the incorporation of the procedures and processes of 1Bro Global. What made them strong, 1Bro enchanced it, and 1Bro Global even developed internal and external procedures unique to the industry but will surely prove in the futures, that with these,1Bro Global Inc. would be the leading multi-level marketing company in the Philippines.

Safety Nets : Limits on Accounts per Individual

1Bro believes in fair business practices as1Bro Global is a beacon of hope for those who are in despair due to financial woes and therefore established a general rule that for every individual there would be a maximum number of accounts that can be registered. Seven (7) accounts is the maximum number allowed to be registered by 1Bro Global per individual, if the 1Bro Dealer would like to expand his network, then he needs to have the additional accounts under his wife, or any other family member or even to his trusted friends. There would be no exemption to this rule as 1Bro believes that equal opportunity should be provided to everyone as there are rich or above-average people who can afford multiple accounts in just 1 processing (e.g. 31 or 100 accounts) compared to a financially-challenged person who can only afford 1 account. Many companies allow this practice of having uber many accounts and it is one of the reasons, those companies fold at one point if not already folded. With 1Bro, equal opportunity for every individual.

Safety Nets : Pairing Bonus Limit

1Bro is a very sophisticated company that employs well-versed and highly-educated advisers in the accounting and financial industries, not to mention mentors and Information Technology Specialists from different multi-level marketing companies just to make sure that every compensation would be provided to 1Bro dealers without any delay while making the company stable even if the number of members are beyond the usual numbers for a multi-level marketing company.
Usual problem of this industry is to tempt non-members to join because of a big pairing bonus and without limitation. As an industry standard, the pairing bonus should be relatively proportional to its package price, otherwise, in a matter of months that company will eventually fold. So for 1Bro Global Inc., there is a limit for pairing bonus. The limit would be:
Php30,000 per Day
Php210,000 per Week
Php900,000 per Month
This includes:
2 Cycles per day
1st Cycle = 12:00am to 11:59am
2nd Cycle = 12:00pm to 11:59pm
30 Pairs per Cycle (12-Hour Cycle)
Anything more than 30 Pairs, the pairing bonus goes back to 1Bro
You may think that this is not good for you, but remember that greed is not good. Php30,000 is a large amount to acquire per day and 1Bro have this safety net to ensure you that you are not just going to earn this for just a year or two but for a lifetime.

Safety Nets : Gift Certificate on the 5th Pair

In the multi-level marketing industry there are two types of companies, product-consumption-driven companies and service-related companies. 1Bro Global is a service-related multi-level marketing. Why? Our main product is well consumed product which is prepaid load thus there is no need for the company to shove this to our throats just like those companies who offers glutathione, beauty soaps, beauty regiments, coffees, herbal supplements and other wellness products that forces its members to consume more than what they really need. Since we don’t have a tangible product, and in order for the company to be stable, a product movement scheme is activated. For every 5th pairing in every account, 1Bro dealer is not paid Php500 credit into their account, but with a form of a 1Bro Gift Certificate that 1Bro dealers can exchange for items included in the wide array of products of 1Bro, and in the coming days, it would be an additional way to earn for 1Bro dealers.
1Bro Global–Beyond the safety net
Even though there are safety nets placed in the compensation plan of 1Bro (which should be understandable if a member really wants to keep on having extra income for the rest of his life), it is still and will always be the most generous compensation plan in the industry. Remember, your account is just a one-time fee, and with that you can benefit from it for a lifetime. Your up-to 25% discount on 400 plus prepaid products is for a lifetime. Your unlimited retailer activation is for a lifetime. Your retailer override bonus of up to 2% is for a lifetime. Your unlimited direct referral bonus is for a lifetime. Your pairing bonus is for a lifetime. Your indirect referral bonus is up to the 8th level and also for a lifetime and last but not the least, your leadership bonus of 10% for the accumulated pairing bonus of all your direct referrals is also for a lifetime. 1Bro Global has the most generous compensation plan and we care for every members, both 1BroDealers and Retailers, that’s why we make sure that 1Bro Global Inc will be here for many years to come.