
Espiya Lobby => College/Alumni Talk => : Kuneho July 27, 2006, 03:28:46 PM

: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: Kuneho July 27, 2006, 03:28:46 PM
mga pre baka may info kau sa mga accredited na nursing schools sa pinas pag balak mag abroad? pati tuition fee rates kung may info din kayo? 2nd courser nga pla mga tol
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: MasterChief63 July 27, 2006, 10:57:15 PM
not bcoz i graduated form Perpetual Help Manila, but my mom hu is also an alumni there said  kilala sa US ang perps equally as UST and other major universities and colleges, Perps accepts 2nd coursers coz when i ws there i had a lot of freinds na mga 2nd courser
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: madcarabao July 27, 2006, 11:53:31 PM
mga pre baka may info kau sa mga accredited na nursing schools sa pinas pag balak mag abroad? pati tuition fee rates kung may info din kayo? 2nd courser nga pla mga tol
ang alam ko, mga known big schools ang accredited usually.. just like xtian said, perpetual, lasalle, ust, etc... m sure maraming graduate dun e puros nasa states na.
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: MEXX July 28, 2006, 01:43:25 AM
madaming schools na ang nakikilala hindi lng dito kundi sa ibang bansa, try mu search sa internet..
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: MasterChief63 July 28, 2006, 01:54:36 AM
mga pre baka may info kau sa mga accredited na nursing schools sa pinas pag balak mag abroad? pati tuition fee rates kung may info din kayo? 2nd courser nga pla mga tol
ang alam ko, mga known big schools ang accredited usually.. just like xtian said, perpetual, lasalle, ust, etc... m sure maraming graduate dun e puros nasa states na.

the ONLY schools i know who accept 2nd courseres though are:

1) Perptual Help College
2) Family clinic college
3) St. Jude
5) PCHS(beside FEU)
6) Fatima

most major universities have nursing collge but DO NOT accept shiferts of 2nd coursers
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: madcarabao July 28, 2006, 02:02:13 AM
mga pre baka may info kau sa mga accredited na nursing schools sa pinas pag balak mag abroad? pati tuition fee rates kung may info din kayo? 2nd courser nga pla mga tol
ang alam ko, mga known big schools ang accredited usually.. just like xtian said, perpetual, lasalle, ust, etc... m sure maraming graduate dun e puros nasa states na.

the ONLY schools i know who accept 2nd courseres though are:

1) Perptual Help College
2) Family clinic college
3) St. Jude
5) PCHS(beside FEU)
6) Fatima

most major universities have nursing collge but DO NOT accept shiferts of 2nd coursers
ah.. you mean pag nagshift ako from a different course..
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: MasterChief63 July 28, 2006, 02:19:26 AM
yep example if you 3rd yr med tech in UST then wana shift to nursing in UST rin, nde pwede, u have to start from scratch
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: madcarabao July 28, 2006, 02:23:22 AM
yep example if you 3rd yr med tech in UST then wana shift to nursing in UST rin, nde pwede, u have to start from scratch
ah.. oo tama ka dun. usually pnapapasok cla sa nursing pero 2nd year ka uli. kasi ung basics nadun madalas. ganun kasi ung nangyari sa classmate ko dati.
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: MasterChief63 July 28, 2006, 02:25:09 AM
yep example if you 3rd yr med tech in UST then wana shift to nursing in UST rin, nde pwede, u have to start from scratch
ah.. oo tama ka dun. usually pnapapasok cla sa nursing pero 2nd year ka uli. kasi ung basics nadun madalas. ganun kasi ung nangyari sa classmate ko dati.

nope back to 1st yr
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: madcarabao July 28, 2006, 02:27:43 AM
yep example if you 3rd yr med tech in UST then wana shift to nursing in UST rin, nde pwede, u have to start from scratch
ah.. oo tama ka dun. usually pnapapasok cla sa nursing pero 2nd year ka uli. kasi ung basics nadun madalas. ganun kasi ung nangyari sa classmate ko dati.

nope back to 1st yr
ah.. pero ung mga naging classmate ko 2nd yr ang bagsak nila dati. btw ung school na cnsabi ko is lasalle hsc. baka nga iba na ngayon...
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: wind jhitziu July 28, 2006, 02:31:51 AM
tol may alam ako school pero dito sa mindanao MEDIna College tintangap kahit 4 th yr college kana mag transfer ^^kaya lang nasa ozamis city land of the shabu ^_^ ang class second courser is friday sat sunday kaya lang nasa mindanao tsaka pera pera lang ^_^
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: ugat July 28, 2006, 03:12:58 AM
tol may alam ako school pero dito sa mindanao MEDIna College tintangap kahit 4 th yr college kana mag transfer ^^kaya lang nasa ozamis city land of the shabu ^_^ ang class second courser is friday sat sunday kaya lang nasa mindanao tsaka pera pera lang ^_^

i know that place wind jhitzui hehehe Medina College evrything can be talk a very well known college scholl in Mindanao abt "under the table"

i have so many co-interns who graduated thru "under the table" Tama ka kapatid Ozamis is the land of Crystal hehehe saksi ako sa mga nangyayari doon (that was before)
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: wind jhitziu July 29, 2006, 07:18:09 AM
uu nga dami under table sa medina kaya sarili sikap pag board i thank god na isa subject lang kuha ko ^_^
: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: Warhog August 18, 2006, 01:33:59 AM
Capitol Medical Center Colleges in QC accepts 2nd coursers. My wife is currently studying nursing there and it is her second course. Most of her minor subjects were credited and it would only take her 2 to 2 1/2 years to graduate. As far as I know, most nursing schools are accredited as long as these schools have their own hospitals. Most of my friends here in US are nurses and they say that the school where thay graduated from don't have a bearing on their acceptance. Passing the boards there in the Philippines and passing the NCLEX are the most important things.

: Re: Accredited Pinas NURSING Schools para sa Abroad?<2nd courser>
: bottomfeeding February 17, 2007, 12:43:03 AM
land of crystal nga ang ozamis. i was born somewhere near there. try nyo doon sa bacolod. i forgot name ng school pero tumatanggap sila. meron akong mga kakilala na 2nd coursers na tinapos ang nursing in two years with only weekends having classes.