
Espiya Lobby => General Topics => : simpleman1225 April 30, 2014, 06:30:40 AM

: Chat with God
: simpleman1225 April 30, 2014, 06:30:40 AM

One guy had a chat with GOD.

God : Hello. You called me.

Me : Called you? No, who is this?

God : This is God. I heard your prayers. So, I thought I would chat with you.

Me : Sure, I pray. Just makes me feel good. Actually, I am busy now. In the midst of something you know.

God : What are you busy with? Ants are busy, too.

Me : Don't know. But I can't find free time. Life has become hectic. It's rush hour all the time.

God : Sure. Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results. Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.

Me : But I still can't figure it out. By the way, I was not expecting YOU to buzz me on instant messaging chat.

God : Well, I wanted to help you resolve your fight for time by giving you some clarity. I wanted to reach you through the medium you are comfortable with.

Me : Tell me, why has life become so complicated?

God : Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it complicated.

Me : Why are we then constantly unhappy?

God : Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. You are worrying because the act of worrying has become a habit. That's why you are not happy.

Me : But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty.

God : Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.

Me : But then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty.

God : Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

Me : If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?

God : Diamonds cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials. With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.

Me : You mean to say such experience is useful?

God : Yes. Experience is a hard teacher, though. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.

Me : But still, why should we go through such tests? Why can't we be free from problems?

God : Problems are Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons to Enhance Mental Strength. Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance, not when you are free from problems.

Me : Frankly in the midst of so many problems, we don't know where we are heading.

God : If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Looking outside, you dream. Looking inside, you awaken. Eyes provide sight, Heart provides insight.

Me : Sometimes not succeeding fast seems to hurt more than moving in the right direction.

God : Success is relative, quantified by others. Satisfaction is absolute, quantified by you. Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you rode ahead.

Me : Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here? I don't know the answers.

God : Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation.

Me : How can I get the best out of life?

God : Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

Me : Sometimes my prayers are not answered.

God : There are no unanswered prayers. At times the answer is NO.

Me : Thank you for this wonderful chat. I'll try to be less fearful.

God : Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Life is wonderful if you know how to live!

Me : Please keep blessing all of us!
: Re: Chat with God
: budotukmol April 30, 2014, 07:34:45 AM
tao pa rin may gawa ng istorya.
: Re: Chat with God
: FerminaDaza April 30, 2014, 08:08:40 AM
I chat with God everyday...I'm made him laugh out out out loud...I'm sure he cracks up everytime I told him what's on my mind or plans  ;D xo

: Re: Chat with God
: BlueAlphaZero May 01, 2014, 12:25:50 AM
I chat with God everyday...I'm made him laugh out out out loud...I'm sure he cracks up everytime I told him what's on my mind or plans  ;D xo

I chat with God too and I think He even told me once that he was glad I never took up holy orders.  laffman::  ::lmao
: Re: Chat with God
: FerminaDaza May 01, 2014, 12:57:41 AM
I chat with God too and I think He even told me once that he was glad I never took up holy orders.  laffman::  ::lmao

HAHA God very much understood the reason/s seigneur... shizzle, you made him looool too! God is good God is  8)

: Re: Chat with God
: BlueAlphaZero May 01, 2014, 01:31:22 AM

HAHA God very much understood the reason/s seigneur... shizzle, you made him looool too! God is good God is  8)

Admittedly, God doesn't use life-coach-speak during our dialogues (He tends to sound like Burgess Meredith and Tony Burton from the Rocky movies; lately He sounds more like Liam Neeson) but then I suppose He speaks to us in the language we know best.
: Re: Chat with God
: FerminaDaza May 01, 2014, 03:10:13 AM
but then I suppose He speaks to us in the language we know best.

oui...for me, at the end of the day 'God & I' just hi-5's & i believe he never waits for me w/a baseball bat on his hands even if i sux- he's always real to me as a smiling God and gracious.

: Re: Chat with God
: Idiot May 01, 2014, 03:39:10 AM
tao ang gumawa yan kase tao ang nakakaintindi sa tao

isipin mo lang aso ang ka-chat  mo or kabayo isipin pa nila nasisiraan ka ng ulo

God speaks by proxy
: Re: Chat with God
: budotukmol May 01, 2014, 06:32:18 AM
tao pa rin ang gumagawa ng sagot.
: Re: Chat with God
: olli May 01, 2014, 10:58:00 PM
di alam ng tao simsimi pala yun. haha