
Espiya Yellowpages [Members Only Deals!!!] => Classified Ads => Job / Projects => : Ilonggo-by-blood November 03, 2013, 08:16:11 AM

: what does a web search evaluator do?
: Ilonggo-by-blood November 03, 2013, 08:16:11 AM

what does a web search evaluator do?

I have a callcenter with 4 agents and nag offer sakin ang isang company on 5 seats of  a web search evaluator. Nag research ako online walang clear cut answer. so sinu may idea anu ba talaga ginagawa ng isang web search evaluator.
: Re: what does a web search evaluator do?
: swaaat November 03, 2013, 09:56:48 AM
Although I'm not really sure myself, I believe that what they do is pretty much analyze data obtained from web searches within a certain span of time [November - December] and have it evaluated based on several, different aspects, say for example, "How many internet users search for the word "Twerking". Parang ganun siya. hope others can help you with this question further.