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: Two Most Famous Hackers Who Committed Suicide
: Carnal August 29, 2013, 08:33:16 AM
Who is an Hacker?
A Computer adept someone who enjoys working with computer and testing the limits of  system an enthusiastic or fast programmer. According to me, we can call hackers as Heroes of computer evolution , Hackers are who break computer security systems unlawfully.


Jonathan James (12-12-83 to 18-5-2008)


Jonathan Joseph James was an American black hat hacker. Jonathan James also known as "c0mrade" He was the first guy of America who sent prison for cyber crime activity. At the age of 15 years old [In 1999] Jonathan James hacked into Bellsouth and Miami-Dade school network. James also hacked NASA computers and downloaded source code worth 1.37 million [ Downloaded source code to know How the International Space Station is worked.

In 2000 James house raided by US local police, Jonathan James was sentenced 6 months house arrest and banned from using Computer.

On may 18th James Committed suicide, He wrote "I honestly, honestly had nothing to do with TJX" in his suicide note.

For more about

Aaron Swartz (8-11-1986 to 11-1-2013)


Aaron swartz was an American programmer and hacker, Co-founder of Reddit & Founder of RSS . At the age of 13 years old he was participated in ArsDigita [ArsDigita is event or competition who create education, useful non commercial websites] and he won the ArsDigita prize. Aaron swartz was worked in W3C,  MarkDown and Wikipedia. In 2012 Aaron protested against SOPA

In 2011 Aaron was arrested by federal agent for stealing academic journals from JSTOR, before his suicide Aaron faced penalty of upto 35 years in prison. After he was released under $100,000 bail.
: Re: Two Most Famous Hackers Who Committed Suicide
: spanky_al September 03, 2013, 01:59:41 AM
An hacker is an person who is very good in using an computer.  ::lmao
: Re: Two Most Famous Hackers Who Committed Suicide
: September 03, 2013, 07:38:32 AM
Really really don't like the term called to them.....

Can't they be called something else  >:(