
Espiya Technology Boards => Gadgets and Gizmos => : MasterChief63 August 13, 2013, 03:04:05 AM

: North Korea gets its own "Native" Arirang(android) Smartphone
: MasterChief63 August 13, 2013, 03:04:05 AM
an NO NORMAL CITIZEN can have it, NO ONE

ICE CREAM SANDWICH??? Now I'm sure I can EAT THIS!!!



via Engadget

North Korea likes to say that it's on the cutting edge, even if it usually isn't -- and that now includes a locally-built smartphone, the AS1201 Arirang. We don't know much about the Android handset, but state media claims that it's made in Pyongyang and ships with a domestically produced app. As you'd imagine, many outside of North Korea are skeptical of the AS1201's supposed roots. While it's difficult to verify North Korea Tech's suspicions that a Chinese firm makes the device on North Korea's behalf, the hardware is using stock Android -- you know, the OS designed by those "capitalist American pig-dogs" at Google. There's also the question of the device's real-world usefulness. As long as North Korea bans mobile internet use, the Ariang won't be much more capable than your typical feature phone.
: Re: North Korea gets its own "Native" Arirang(android) Smartphone
: -=Kurabo=- August 13, 2013, 04:20:33 AM
may telco services kaya to?  ??? laffman::
: Re: North Korea gets its own "Native" Arirang(android) Smartphone
: kenji_kulet August 13, 2013, 04:26:46 AM
 smoking:: baka trip nya mag selfie at post ito sa instagram
: Re: North Korea gets its own "Native" Arirang(android) Smartphone
: Core2_i7 August 13, 2013, 05:55:52 AM
wait natin baka may north korean na maglabas ng review nyang arirang nila  laffman::
: Re: North Korea gets its own "Native" Arirang(android) Smartphone
: stanlee1201 August 14, 2013, 02:15:08 AM
sounds funny. hehehe!
if its true, madali silang ma trace/mahack dahil dito. bnana