
Espiya Newstand (Current Events, Classifieds, Events) => Current Events => : BlueAlphaZero July 27, 2011, 09:47:50 AM

: The Utøya Massacre Victims: "...Like The Hitler Youth..."
: BlueAlphaZero July 27, 2011, 09:47:50 AM
The majority of the world has sent their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to the victims of the Oslo bombing and the Utøya massacre. The outpouring of solace, solidarity, and support will undoubtedly be a great consolation to Norway as it struggles to move past its collective grief and make sense of the day of violence that came very close to tearing their nation apart.

And then conservative media personality Glenn Beck decided to speak his mind about the tragedy.

Furthermore, Beck said that there was an "evil" strain of Islam on the rise throughout Europe that was "squeezing the neck" of the continent. He added that multiculturalism is "killing" Europe.

He did, however, denounce Anders Behring Breivik, pointing out that "There is no difference between him and the 9/11 bombers. No difference. He is just as bad as Osama bin Laden. Period."