
Espiya Technology Boards => Espiya Tech Tips => : JoeBlack October 16, 2009, 01:53:19 PM

: Movie file converter
: JoeBlack October 16, 2009, 01:53:19 PM
Ang file na kailangan ko i-convert: Downloaded movies from the internet (Listed as .avi).

Gusto ko siya i-convert sa editable na file type (.mov, etc). Hindi ko kasi ma-open yung .avi sa windows movie maker e.

Tulong naman kung paano ko makakamit ito.. Maraming Salamat!!!
: Re: Movie file converter
: Kal-El October 16, 2009, 02:01:05 PM
i find this very amusing as your account is suspended yet you can still post...hmmmm...interesting...

but, on to the topic at don't really need a file converter if you just simply want to view the video...just get quicktime from apple to play your .avi videos. Or better yet, use VLC media player which is a free download. Get it HERE ( 

but ofcourse if you have something else in mind other than watching, then you can search our Software and Security (,129.0.html) thread for the converter. toast::
: Re: Movie file converter
: JoeBlack October 16, 2009, 02:35:49 PM
I pleaded guilty and served community service time.

Ok, sige hanap ako doon. Salamat Superman!