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Author Topic: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)  (Read 2993 times)


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Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« on: February 28, 2008, 09:58:40 pm »
Here I am again, posting another litany of frustrated thoughts & honest to goodness sentiments that are supposed to be as edible as any sizzling sisig. Yet some find it hard to swallow & digest the writings on the wall.

Lozada may have "good intentions" when he decided to spill the beans in the senate.
But the thing is, the consequence is almost as catastrophic as an avalanching tidal wave. Aptly described as the "domino effect."
If Lozada really believes there's something fishy going on in our government & thinks there's something he has to do about it, why take it to the senate?
I think we still have the judiciary system right? That's where it all boils down to.
Going to the senate is like running to a brick wall, going nowhere. It will only attract the attention of the power hungry "trapos"(traditional politicians) who'll take advantage of an "unwilling prey" & devour him to the bone.
Those "trapos" will only see this as an opportunity to grab hold of the limelight trying to show people that they're working "for the country" when in fact, they are among the shameless, plundering, power-grabbing guilty.

I like it when senator Miriam Defensor made a blunt statement striking her fellow senators at their necks about doing "pogi" points for the next election.

Calling the Filipino people! Does that mean something to you? Are we that gullible? Or just plainly playing stupid?(again & again & again!)
It pisses me off when they make it look like their "clean" & working hard only for the alleged good of our country, when in fact they also lie, cheat, steal & whatever foul, derogatory adjectives we may find in our dictionary to describe their selfish interests.
Now, the number of people believing Lozada are growing. I, for one would have supported(and respected) Lozada. had he opted to go to court from the get go. Instead of just blabbering away, crying his heart out to a pool of well off & well fed alligators who'll only be too happy to consume him.
PGMA might not make it until 2010 with her confession. Whatever reasons she may have, she'll have to swallow the consequences, it may be a bit more bitter & viler than her "Hello Garci" scandal.

While PGMA may or may not be the most corrupt among politicians, I, for one believe that her husband is the heaviest & the biggest cross(as a Catholic/Christian) she may have the burden to carry with her.(figuratively speaking that is!)
I have lost respect for a number of activists who can't seem to get enough of rallying for the cause, w/c by the way only causes unnecessary,time consuming traffic to tax paying, hard working people. They seemed to be determined to bring every president down that doesn't meet their ideals.
Hasn't it occurred to you guys that we WILL NOT have an ideal government EVER no matter how hoarse our throats will be, no matter how sore our feet will be, no matter how hungry we might get fighting for the cause.
I have lost respect in some numbers of the church who make brash statements like some of his superiors are keeping mum because PGMA gave them money.
I mean, how can you respect someone who's supposed to be an "agent" of God, trash talk his superiors? Is that a good example of our faith? I thought Jesus taught us to love our enemies?
I get pissed off when people who think that our country is in peril. Why? Hasn't it occurred to them that our country has over 7,000 beautiful islands & not just the alleged "imperial Manila"?
If "imperial Manila" is in turmoil, it doesn't mean that people from Davao, Cebu or other cities in our country are also in trouble.

In fact, if pure federalism be implemented, I'm sure these cities can stand their ground & compete against "imperial Manila" in all respect. That's a challenge to the proud, cocky people of the alleged "Imperial Manila!"

If you think your not cocky, what's the sense in making a reaction, right?

The hard, cold, sad fact is, everything is so centralized with Manila. what with Malacañang & other main offices that people there might or might not be aware that it only causes headache & inconvenience to some number of our fellow countrymen that are COMPELLED to be there for important business like immigration, necessary public documents, loan application or whatever.

But that's gonna be another topic.

Going back, it may be fair to be more careful in making such statements like "our country is so magulo!"

Pardon me, but the rest of the country are doing mighty fine & business is running as usual. It may create a bad impression on our foreign neighbors.
People are so fired up w/ a "hell hath no wrath" mentality in bringing PGMA down. Okay, let's bring PGMA down.
Sure! It's getting to be a habit for us to try & bring down presidents in our country in almost every administration since former president Marcos' demise.
It's getting to be our trademark to benchmark a president on how long he or she stays in power with this so called "People Power". I mean, the first two People Powers were legit.

Look at former president Marcos, as good as he was, got so intoxicated with power that he has lost his iron grip on the country.

Erap, for lack of a better adjective & for diplomacy's sake, let's just say his regime was so "uncoordinated". What with a blatant evidence such as a security video showing him gambling in a casino? It's so easy to penetrate through his defenses & poof! Just like Coco Crunch, it's gone!

Then we have the audacity to call whatever the people movements there were after the first 2 People Powers as People Power 3?! 4?! Have we gone bananas?!

Those alleged People Powers were only the brain-child of valiant efforts by the so called "United Opposition" doing everything(and I mean everything!) in their might to push through with their selfish ambitions that have so far gone futile.

"United Opposition?" You have the balls to call yourselves "united?" That's ludicrous!

One way or the other, your selfishness will only be your "Achilles' Heel". You mark my word.

I'll throw this question to you guys, if PGMA is brought down by impeachment or whatever, WHO do you think will replace her?
Can that person be better than PGMA? Can you name one that's good? Or rather, since "good" public officials are as non-existent as Utopia, at least a fair & able president.

Or is it gonna be another crappy "trapo" who would gladly sell his soul to the devil just to have temporary power & money?

Are we just being SHORTSIGHTED? Or just plainly fed-up with corruption?(w/c by the way can be a direct or indirect by-product of our own doing!) Or a little bit of both?

Do we really think that bringing PGMA down will solve our problems? Perhaps be under the wild delusion that we can kiss corruption goodbye?

Well, let me tell you something. It can lead both ways.

It may lead us to a step forward into salvation from corruption. W/c is as likely as president Bush spending his precious time sipping tea & exchanging pleasantries with Osama bin Laden discussing the weather!

Or it could be a "jump from the fry-pan & into the fire" scenario. W/c is as real as suffering, starving, dying children in Africa!

Our country is so corrupted it'll make look Pasig river look like purified mineral water! Corruption is so malignant, that this will only get from bad to worse.

I was told that tycoon Lucio Tan made a bold pronouncement after former president marcos' downfall that this is only the beginning for the country. Maybe, at that time, not all people were able to comprehend what it really meant. Well for those who know how to use their noggins, given the conditions in our country right now, go figure.

Recently, I've just lost whatever respect I have for former president Cory Aquino. The final nail in the coffin is when she made a plea to PGMA to resign so she can save herself from more damage.

Can she merit respect when she herself had to go to 9 COUP ATTEMPTS?

Very respectable indeed!

I would also like to include the media since they seem to play a "vital role" in our county.

A good, shining, glaring, obvious example of the state of our media today is the "Manila Peninsula Siege."

They were already foretold to head for the hills to save their own necks because the situation was so critical & volatile it can make nitroglycerine as consumable as your next cooking oil.

They were later "lightly" handcuffed by the authorities(Yup "lightly handcuffed!" They were even able to move around & pass around some stuff around themselves!). Then, they have this very absurd claim it was "media overkill?!"

That's absolutely preposterous!

You call your ridiculous actions in the Manila Pen "responsible journalism?!"

I'm sure a good number of us here have seen the media coverage in the "shock & awe" bombings in Baghdad right? Have you noticed where the journalists where situated? A very good distance AWAY from the bombings!

That's despite the fact that US bombers have near perfect, very high precision skills(with all due respect to our military & police people). Now that's professional journalism!

We keep on wondering when will we ever recover from this stupor. Well, one very basic suggestion we CAN do is to just shut up & stop complaining. There's only so much we can do with complaining.

Well easier said than done you might say. Again, at least that's something that we CAN do & not something we have no control like CORRUPTION in the government.

Just do your best in everything you do. Whatever it is you're doing to earn money. We do want to have our next meal right?

Do we earn something attending rallies? Does it pay our bills?

We can have our voices heard. Yeah and what's next? What else will you get? A blind sense of fulfillment that you're doing something for the country?

Go ahead! Make a fool of yourselves. While the more sensible number of Filipinos, go out & work, strive hard & doing everything in their power to bring both unyielding ends meet. Earning much needed income to feed their families & themselves.

Guys, there's also a thing called "karma" in case you might not have met her. You know how the songs goes, "what goes around, comes around"?

Yup, that song.

That song's dedicated to our "hard working", "trustworthy" politicians in our country. Trust our politicians & you might as well sell your dignity & integrity to the devil!

I'll elaborate on this word since this might illicit the most reaction some people. I will SUGGEST that we do what I think are the most mature things to do.

Shut up, stop complaining, do your best in whatever it is you do to earn precious income

In my opinion, shutting up, stop complaining, do what you have to do to earn money is the most sensible thing to do.

Why? Tell me one solid, logical reason why I should waste my time rallying & making my voice heard over deaf ears instead of doing what I CAN have control over something we CAN'T?

People cry out for the truth. Okay, what will we get out of the truth? Bring PGMA down from power? Make another shameless, power hungry thief have all the power & money? Then conjure another Herculean effort in gathering the numbers to do another senseless People Power movement & then wake up to find out that this was exactly where we were before?

Does that makes sense to you?

To make it simple & as plain as your white t-shirt, ALL politicians are CORRUPT. Be it here in our beloved country, or ANYWHERE else in the world! All politicians lie and cheat one way or the other, DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY.

There's nothing we or anyone else can do about it other than making your voice heard & that's it. NO VIOLENCE!

I'm sure most of you here agree with me that it's better to have a harmonious flow of life. I mean, just do your job, study hard for the students, do your house chores with "gusto" or simply live your life to your fullest extent. Not try to mess around with something you can only do so much.


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 11:20:12 pm »
people power has lost its luster.

it's more like a mob looking for a criminal to be lynched. a rather unruly and money driven mob conrolled by trapos looking for votes and a seat in the public government.

lozada maybe telling the truth but where is the evidence ?

erap estrada was ousted because of the mighty paper trail lead by clarissa ocampo

lozada's testimonies won't stand in any court unless backed by solid evidence(which at the moment is very lacking)

« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 12:11:52 am by kraidazen »
pick an evil and live with it till the end.


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 11:58:31 pm »
minsan kasi nakikisawsaw na yung iba, for poplarity, and why lozada always going school to school? para sa boto nya for 2010? senado na ba ang targe nya at hindi mayor? just my opinion.,


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 12:00:18 am »
Q & my answer...opinion ko lang ha? wag magagalit I will be the othr side of the coin para fare, balance at sana maintindihan...ayoko namang maging tupa kung san pakainin, tanggalan ng balahibo, kung saan dalhin at ialay doon na lang...uulitin ko temper, temper wag magagalit
you said...

it's getting to be our trademark to benchmark a president on how long he or she stays in power with this so called "People Power". I mean, the first two People Powers were legit.

and then you said...

Those alleged People Powers were only the brain-child of valiant efforts by the so called "United Opposition" doing everything(and I mean everything!) in their might to push through with their selfish ambitions that have so far gone futile.

nahihilo ako, nalilito na talaga ako...

you said:
I'll throw this question to you guys, if PGMA is brought down by impeachment or whatever, WHO do you think will replace her?

I say:
si Noli De Castro...Vice President siya allowing myself to believe for a while in our Constitution

you said:
Do we really think that bringing PGMA down will solve our problems? Perhaps be under the wild delusion that we can kiss corruption goodbye?

I say:
I do so...bring the super structure down the rest of the corrupt will follow...just like what happened to ERAP, nakuha nila yung Boracay Mansion...

you said:
I'm sure a good number of us here have seen the media coverage in the "shock & awe" bombings in Baghdad right? Have you noticed where the journalists where situated? A very good distance AWAY from the bombings!

I say:
Baghdad is NOT the PHILIPPINES, were you can go out and see who is winning or losing in the shooting (coup attempts), by golly BOMBS ARE BOMBS even the best Generals don't stay within striking range of bombs, and I think that footage you saw is featured in National Geographic, that is there JOB to REPORT whatever consequence it might bring them...YOU DIE, IF YOU DIE you don't have to worry about media di mo na kargo yon DI MO TRABAHO YON, TRABAHO NILA YON, angain worry not...

you said:
That's despite the fact that US bombers have near perfect, very high precision skills(with all due respect to our military & police people). Now that's professional journalism!

I say:
Ang alam ko nandon ang ABS-CBN, GMA Network and other Philippine Media Entities di ba? they are professional?

you said:
We can have our voices heard. Yeah and what's next? What else will you get? A blind sense of fulfillment that you're doing something for the country?

I say:
The Militant you said that are shouting in the streets, bahala na sila bakit TRABAHO NILA just have to sit tight, yung mga taong nahihiya, kasi ni sumigaw ng HOY sa kalye di nila magawa, naisip nilang may taga sigaw nga pala SILA...itong mga letseng MILITANTE na to yung mga kakilala nila sa UP,UST, ATENEO, LA SALLE at kung saan saan pang schools & university, so worry not...

you said:
Guys, there's also a thing called "karma" in case you might not have met her. You know how the songs goes, "what goes around, comes around"?

I say:
this is only part of the lyrics, but i never sang it with what goes around, comes around...

Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon
You come and go
You come and go

only justin timberlake sang that tune (what goes around, comes around)

you said:
In my opinion, shutting up, stop complaining, do what you have to do to earn money is the most sensible thing to do.

I say:
I'M NOT A SHEEPLE, (look for it in the internet)

you said:
Why? Tell me one solid, logical reason why I should waste my time rallying & making my voice heard over deaf ears instead of doing what I CAN have control over something we CAN'T?

I say:
I cannot tell anybody or anyone what to do, siguro di ka pa kahit kailan nakapag-attend man lang ng kahit na anong rally, ano? WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT o baka naman masakit mapalo ng mga pules, mainit ang sikat ng araw, mangingitim ako, pagpapawisan ka lang, baka magalit tatay ko o nanay ko, baka mamukaan ako sa TV, pagtatawanan lang ako ng barkada ko...i did say TRY IT pero ikaw pa rin ang magdedesisyon, yun naman ang trabaho natin magdesisyon sa ganang sarili.

you said:
To make it simple & as plain as your white t-shirt, ALL politicians are CORRUPT. Be it here in our beloved country, or ANYWHERE else in the world! All politicians lie and cheat one way or the other, DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY.

I say:
so we stop complaining blah, blah, blah tapos ang problema TAMA?

nice post...


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 03:30:01 am »
i agree with you ka-spy especially with this one:
I say:
The Militant you said that are shouting in the streets, bahala na sila bakit TRABAHO NILA just have to sit tight, yung mga taong nahihiya, kasi ni sumigaw ng HOY sa kalye di nila magawa, naisip nilang may taga sigaw nga pala SILA...itong mga letseng MILITANTE na to yung mga kakilala nila sa UP,UST, ATENEO, LA SALLE at kung saan saan pang schools & university, so worry not...

nakakasawa na... ganyan na nga yata ang pinoy.. nag papagamit sa interest ng iba...
dapat siguro ang may right lang na bumoto ay yung mga taxppayers..


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2008, 11:13:45 am »
firstly i'd like to thank you darcknight for your comments.. don't worry i won't get mad & i respect your opinion.

i just need to elaborate on some of the things i mentioned that you pointed out to me okies?

you said:
I'll throw this question to you guys, if PGMA is brought down by impeachment or whatever, WHO do you think will replace her?

I say:
si Noli De Castro...Vice President siya allowing myself to believe for a while in our Constitution

chocho says:
what i'm afraid of if noli gets elected as president, he may only be an easy target for the opposition. i like noli, most specially his projects like PAGIBIG. proud to say i voted for him along with PGMA. i really hope i will be proven wrong if noli indeed gets elected. i wish him to be strong & smart enough to repel any destabilizing attempts by the oppostion.

you said:
Do we really think that bringing PGMA down will solve our problems? Perhaps be under the wild delusion that we can kiss corruption goodbye?

I say:
I do so...bring the super structure down the rest of the corrupt will follow...just like what happened to ERAP, nakuha nila yung Boracay Mansion..

chocho says:
i respect your opinion on this. i just see politicos all on the same level. corrupt. i mean in my opinion though, we cannot eliminate corruption. no matter what we do because it's always gonna be there. sad as it is to say but it somehow has become a part of our culture. i'm not proud of that but let's just face the music. i'm just being realistic on this.

even if we take out PGMA now, what will be our guarantee the next one is better? the very slim silver lining here is if noli becomes the president, but then, given what the opposition are doing do you think they'll just sit & wait for that to happen?

you said:
I'm sure a good number of us here have seen the media coverage in the "shock & awe" bombings in Baghdad right? Have you noticed where the journalists where situated? A very good distance AWAY from the bombings!

I say:
Baghdad is NOT the PHILIPPINES, were you can go out and see who is winning or losing in the shooting (coup attempts), by golly BOMBS ARE BOMBS even the best Generals don't stay within striking range of bombs, and I think that footage you saw is featured in National Geographic, that is there JOB to REPORT whatever consequence it might bring them...YOU DIE, IF YOU DIE you don't have to worry about media di mo na kargo yon DI MO TRABAHO YON, TRABAHO NILA YON, angain worry not...

chocho says:
bro, don't take that literally. i'm simply making a comment that our media is abusing their so called "press freedom." i perfectly understand it is their duty to report but what i would have preferred to see was them reporting on the outside when they were to told to get out. the media was so stubborn they were like being a child being told off but not heeding the parent's word right away.

it is their job to report whatever the consequence. you die if you die you say. would you prefer to see our media get shot or get harmed if the situation called for throwing grenades or firing shots at the opposing end?

again, i'm not worrying. i'm simply making a comment.

you said:
That's despite the fact that US bombers have near perfect, very high precision skills(with all due respect to our military & police people). Now that's professional journalism!

I say:
Ang alam ko nandon ang ABS-CBN, GMA Network and other Philippine Media Entities di ba? they are professional?

chocho says:
i'm sorry, i don't quite get what you're trying to point on this section. are you asking if they are professionals? but from what i understand, those media people are claiming(at least, that's what i think they are) that they're doing professional journalism. that's why i compared them to what i see as the real pros. covering the news live while keeping themselves safe(at least to some extent that is).

you said:
Guys, there's also a thing called "karma" in case you might not have met her. You know how the songs goes, "what goes around, comes around"?

I say:
this is only part of the lyrics, but i never sang it with what goes around, comes around...

Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon
You come and go
You come and go

only justin timberlake sang that tune (what goes around, comes around)

chocho says:
hehehehe i never thought i would get a comment on this but the song i was referring to was karma by alicia keys.. nyahahaha ;D

you said:
In my opinion, shutting up, stop complaining, do what you have to do to earn money is the most sensible thing to do.

I say:
I'M NOT A SHEEPLE, (look for it in the internet)

chocho says:
well you can say i may be a sheeple but personally, i just go & do my job, earn money, pay bills, buy stuff i want & that's it. i really don't mind what everyone else is doing, except that can really affect other people. can that be considered as being sheeple?

you said:
Why? Tell me one solid, logical reason why I should waste my time rallying & making my voice heard over deaf ears instead of doing what I CAN have control over something we CAN'T?

I say:
I cannot tell anybody or anyone what to do, siguro di ka pa kahit kailan nakapag-attend man lang ng kahit na anong rally, ano? WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT o baka naman masakit mapalo ng mga pules, mainit ang sikat ng araw, mangingitim ako, pagpapawisan ka lang, baka magalit tatay ko o nanay ko, baka mamukaan ako sa TV, pagtatawanan lang ako ng barkada ko...i did say TRY IT pero ikaw pa rin ang magdedesisyon, yun naman ang trabaho natin magdesisyon sa ganang sarili.

chocho says:
my take in attending even a single rally is a waste of time. why should i attend a rally about tuition hike? will the university decide not to push through with tuition increase? why should i attend rally about fare hike? will the operators hold back & not push through the fare increase? why should i attend a rally about bringing out the truth in our government? when i can just rest well & get ready for my job TO EARN MUCH NEEDED MONEY. that's my opinion. i'm not saying attending a rally is wrong. i just don't see much sense in attending one. i'm too busy to attend one. that's the militants job.

you said:
To make it simple & as plain as your white t-shirt, ALL politicians are CORRUPT. Be it here in our beloved country, or ANYWHERE else in the world! All politicians lie and cheat one way or the other, DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY.

I say:
so we stop complaining blah, blah, blah tapos ang problema TAMA?

chocho says:
again i would like to make it clear to everyone that I AM NOT COMPLAINING. i am simply MAKING A COMMENT. clear? as i've said, complaining won't take you anywhere.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 11:24:10 am by chocho_qta »


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2008, 11:15:52 am »
chocho_qta...I applaud you for your well-stated sentiments for I share most of them. I am still impartial on my stand about PGMA since I don't have enough facts (only from what I see in TFC). Here's my take on this...

 I do not support any group in this dilemma. But all I can say is that this theme of "trial and error for a president" is sickening, and is making our country more laughable than it already is. I agree that the first two EDSA's were as true as it can be; with the first one being the REAL People Power when the whole nation really came as one. The second one, though still powerful, is still divided between the majority and the minority. Now, don't get me wrong; both EDSA I and EDSA II showed how powerful citizens can be. However, everytime both are called revolutions, I can't help but chuckle. Why? Because, to me neither of which is an actual revolution. To me they are only revolts. Revolution are successful revolts. And the measure of success is the change that the revolt's fighting for. Now, there has been changes in presidency, yes. But, what's fought in both EDSA's, truth and better government, has never been achieved. So have these powerful revolts been successful? I guess you and I know the answer to that. This is why our country is here again. Same old story as the rest of the world might say. Kraidazen mentioned that People Power has lost its luster. And I agree. But I add, "These NEW rallies has made a mockery of the REAL People Power EDSA I, and has devalued both EDSA I and EDSA II." People should start to realize that the change will not start from the top. On the contrary, it starts from the bottom. They always want to change the president to change the fate of the country. But a leader can only do so much. It all starts when all Filipinos change within.

We all bicker and complain about how corrupt the system is, and how flawed it is where in fact we are all corrupt and flawed in our own little ways. This is nothing but hypocrisy. We should stop believing in what these politicians they say will do, but instead believe in what they've already done for the country. We should stop hailing and praising these so-called "Star Witnesses" for ALL of them are only after fame. A true witness will never put himself or herself on a pedestal like what this Jun Lozada is doing. One can always put the truth out discretely and still make the same impact. But unfortunately, this is how our country has become; a land of opportunistic pigs. We, as a people and as a society, has led our country to shame and a target for mockery. Yes, we are all to be blamed.

If a non-Filipino will ask me of this situation and where can I trace it back to, there are three words that I can summarize my answer with: SELFISHNESS, HYPOCRISY, AND GULLIBILITY...It is said by the great thinkers of yesteryears that change is the only thing constant...but it feels like the great thinkers did not anticipate that a "Philippines" will exist.... toast::
"The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son..."


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2008, 11:33:10 am »
thanks kal el! that's really appreciated!  ;D

here's one for you..


nyahahahaha  ;D

wow! i really can't say it better than you did..

you know what i saw on tv last night? it was so sickening i thought i was gonna have nightmares!

i saw the "star witness" sing the edsa 1 theme song!  and as if that was not sickening enough, people cheered him on! 8) 8) 8)

and you know what i overheard on a rally here? "mabuhay ang pilipinas!" my stomach lurched & i thought i was gonna throw up!

but on a lighter note, i laughed my head off with this..

"It is said by the great thinkers of yesteryears that change is the only thing constant...but it feels like the great thinkers did not anticipate that a "Philippines" will exist..."

nyahahahahaha very well said! nyahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2008, 11:49:25 am »
i appreciate the poke...and you too deserve one  pokepoint::

well, what can I say; people in our country has never been as delirious as ever. unfortunately, for the wrong reasons. Blinded, that's what they are right now...well, a lot of here's to hoping for a better Philippines... toast::
"The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son..."


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2008, 12:14:53 pm »
I agree with what you feel.  I also thought that this "star witness" (name not worth mentioning) was supposed to be finished in the senate inquiry after having said and answered all his knowledge about this scandal but why is it that he still hangs around the senate hearings and why is he hopping from one school to another and "preaching" if he said before that after his stand at the inquiry he would then lead a quiet life?  Then they bought another so called witness with a lot of hearsays (because all he did was talk and talk with no proof whatsoever) so that someone could link the scandal to the president herself?  Then they organize a "rally for prayer", or IS IT? People then join their ranks without even realizing that they are really "killing the masses" further.  I say they can afford it bringing down our economy especially one lady senator who has enough funds to support her if our economy would break down.  And they always emphasize our future but is it our future or their future?  If we really want change then we have to start within ourselves but sadly nobody would admit because we have our so called pride.  Lastly, you probably know why this star witness targets the youth.   smoking::


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2008, 12:16:01 pm »
thanks for the poke & here's one for the philippines!!  toast::

nyahahahaha  ;D


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #11 on: February 29, 2008, 12:19:45 pm »
they always emphasize our future but is it our future or their future? - there! nuff said!  toast::

If we really want change then we have to start within ourselves but sadly nobody would admit because we have our so called pride. - calling our kababayans? hehehehehe  ;D



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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #12 on: February 29, 2008, 12:36:10 pm »
I agree with chocho_qta, I'm sick & tired of what is happening to our country. Hindi na tayo  natuto. Siguro the only way na tatahimik bansa natin pag nahulugan ito ng sandamakmak na atomic bombs.


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #13 on: February 29, 2008, 01:05:59 pm »
Siguro the only way na tatahimik bansa natin pag nahulugan ito ng sandamakmak na atomic bombs.

A bit extreme (though I've thought of that too ;D), but I completely understand where you are coming from. Only with a clean slate of people will our country be better. As they say, "start from scratch" or "start anew."  Our country can be compared to a canvass that has the wrong paint on it. No matter how we cover the wrong paint with the right paint, everything is still a mess. So to produce a better painting, a new canvass is necessary. toast::

« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 01:08:00 pm by Kal-El »
"The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son..."


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2008, 01:20:21 pm »
Wala ito siguro so topic, pero I just want to share my thoughts on all the things that are happening sa Pilipinas.

Hindi mawawala ang corruption sa ating bansa. Kahit sa ibang bansa or sa lahat ng bansa may corruption. Pero ang tanong, ano ang reaction ng taong bayan kung o pang nalaman nila ang tungkol sa corruption? May ginagawa ba sila. Isang halimbawa, sa US may nagyayari ring corruption pero hindi nagre-rebolusyon ang mga tao. Bakit? Dahil majority ng mga taong bayan ay hindi naghihirap. Busy sila sa kanilang trabaho at pag-iisip kung paano maiiayos ang kabuhayan ng kanilang pamilya.

Pero iba sa ating bansa, harapan ang pagnanakaw ng mga Government Officials sa pera na sana ay gagamitin para sa taong bayan. Isang halimbawa lang ang South Rail Project. Ilang daang milyong dolyares ba ang halaga ng project na ito, pero ano na ang status ng project na ito. Wala bang department ang gobyerno na nag-che-check kung natatapos ang mga project na inilalabas ng gobyerno. Who will be accountable sa mga ganitong klase ng project? Napakasakit isipin na basta na lang mawawala ang ganitong halaga na walang makikinabang na mga taong bayan.

Hindi ba natin naitatanong sa ating sarili na baka tayo din ang may dala nito sa ating sarili? Kasi, we enable people that are corrupt. Kahit sa simpleng bagay lang, tulad ng paglalagay sa pulis maiwasan lang ang traffic ticket. Or sa pagbayad sa mga fixers mapatulin lang ang pagkuha ng mga papeles. Pero ano ang magagawa mo kung hindi ka papatol sa mga ganitong gawain?

Wala akong solution sa problema ng ating bansa. Hindi nito ibig sabihin na wala ako or tayong magagawa para solusyonan ang problema. Pero alam kong walang mabilis na solution. Ang tanong kaya ba nating maghintay? O pagod na tayo sa paghihintay.


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2008, 01:40:57 pm »
Siguro the only way na tatahimik bansa natin pag nahulugan ito ng sandamakmak na atomic bombs.

nyahahahahaha  ;D

huwag namn bro..hehehehe

as they say, you don't have to destroy the building just to get rid of the termites..nyahahahaha  ;D


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2008, 01:24:30 am »
Gusto mong tumahimik ang bansa natin simple dapat mula presidente hanggang SK chairman mga religious groups ang mga mamumuno


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2008, 04:50:14 am »

ang haba ng comment mo... i didn't have time to read it now but i'll do it later on...

for me, it all boils down to who of them is LESSER EVIL...
in my opinion, to this date we won't find a politician who is totally clean... morally and spiritually (if ever meron, well sorry, can't see him... could we request him to stand in the center and wave his hands)

politicians are all like businessmen... big part of their reason in power is first to protect their business and second to protect their power...

politicians tend to become corrupt, in however amount because they need to get back or more evil to get even more on what they spent in elections...


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2008, 10:33:06 am »
Gusto mong tumahimik ang bansa natin simple dapat mula presidente hanggang SK chairman mga religious groups ang mga mamumuno

i'm sorry idiot but i don't quite get what you mean here..


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 01:07:27 am »

Ibig sabihin is mula sa pagiging Presidente, Vice President, Senators, mga Gabinete, Congressman, Governors, Vice gov, Board Member, Mayor, Vice mayor, Councilor, Brgy. Captain, Brgy. Councilors, Sk Chairman ay nanggaling sa mga Religious groups

sample lang to
Tulad ng Presindente - Pari
Vice President - Inglesia ni Cristo
Mga Senators - Iba't ibang religious groups parang ganon
Congressman - Mga Ministro 


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2008, 03:33:41 am »

Lolz, ayoko nyan tol!! baka mawala lahat ng kaligayahan ko.. hahaha..


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2008, 08:50:25 am »

Lolz, ayoko nyan tol!! baka mawala lahat ng kaligayahan ko.. hahaha..

marami ng bawal :D

it ain't over. . .till its over


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Re: Lozada, Corruption, Filipinos(very long)
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2008, 02:01:26 pm »

Ibig sabihin is mula sa pagiging Presidente, Vice President, Senators, mga Gabinete, Congressman, Governors, Vice gov, Board Member, Mayor, Vice mayor, Councilor, Brgy. Captain, Brgy. Councilors, Sk Chairman ay nanggaling sa mga Religious groups

sample lang to
Tulad ng Presindente - Pari
Vice President - Inglesia ni Cristo
Mga Senators - Iba't ibang religious groups parang ganon
Congressman - Mga Ministro 

i'm sorry idiot, but i cannot remember mentioning my support for a government run by church people.

and for the record, i don't like our government to be run by church people. whatever thoughts you & most of us may have on that, let's just say we share more or less the same sentiments...nyahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D

all i'm saying though is it really infuriates me when some people respond to the opposition's bait to topple & bring PGMA down. i mean it's less than 2 years before she officially steps down so why not just wait for the next president?

i'm all for a peaceful country. where people can do their living in peace, enjoy life to the fullest extent of their capacity.

unless of course if it's really proven that a president or a government is really corrupt, that means with solid, hard evidence like Erap's regime, then of course by all means let us show our support, by peaceful means that is.

unlike in the ongoing ZTE hearings, in my opinion, i haven't seen any real, solid, hard evidence that PGMA is indeed involved in this foray.

Lozada is all bark & no bite. sadly, most people seem to idolize him. those people who i thought had much more common sense or perhaps, simply fed up with all the corruption from previous administrations that they all seem to address all their frustration at the current administration or perhaps some other motives unknown to me.

whoever the next president will be(i hope most of the voters will use sound logic rather than use FINANCIAL NEEDS or POPULARITY as their basis of voting a candidate), it will need to be done according to the law. by election or by appointment by peaceful means.