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Author Topic: PS1 games are downloadable for PSP to play from memstick, all u need is...  (Read 1180 times)


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A BROADBAND CONNECTION AND A $599 PLAYSTATION 3(coz this unit has the MS Pro duo slot)

Sony announces prices for downloadable PS1 games

Posted Nov 22nd 2006 8:11PM by Donald Melanson
Filed under: Gaming, Handhelds From:

Hot on the heels of the big 3.0 firmware update for the PlayStation Portable, Sony's finally let loose its pricing plans for the forthcoming PS1 game downloads, although the downloads themselves are still apparently a few weeks away (unless you're in Japan, in which case you can get your Tekken 2 fix today). When they do show up, however, you can plan on dropping between $5.99 and $10.99 for the games, with each taking up between 140MB and 550MB on your Memory Stick Duo. The biggest sticking point for many PSP users, however, is that, as previously reported, you can't just download the games directly to your PSP -- instead, you have to download them onto your PS3's hard drive first and transfer 'em to your Memory Stick Duo from there. No problem for some but, last we checked, there's a heckuva lot more people with PSPs than PS3s, and at the rate things are going, that looks like it'll be the case for a while yet.

*i knew investing on a 4gb MS pro duo wasnt a waste of money, cant wait for them to release the 8gb
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 01:16:16 am by xtian63 »