
Espiya Technology Boards => Gadgets and Gizmos => : MasterChief63 August 23, 2006, 06:06:25 AM

: how much people love thier ipods...
: MasterChief63 August 23, 2006, 06:06:25 AM
You gotta love the litigousness of youth -- especially when there's an iPod involved. A spat over a missing iPod resulted in a lawsuit in Wheaton, Illinois, when 14-year-old Shannon Derrik sued her (now former) friend Stephanie Eick for losing her brand new iPod. It seems that Shannon made the fool mistake of lending her iPod to Stephanie, who decided it'd be a good idea to give back the iPod by leaving it on Shannon's desk rather than waiting for her to return from the restroom to hand it over in person. The iPod managed to disappear -- apparently someone in that classroom had some sticky fingers -- and so Shannon sued for $475 in damages and court fees (she says she did a LOT of babysitting to pay for that iPod). The case was initially tossed because of an improper filing, but it looks like the two girls will finally square off in court in about a month (the word on the street is that they're gearing up for a serious showdown in the cafeteria when school starts up again). Ryan and I will be headed to Wheaton next month to liveblog the entire trial, we really have no choice to put all our resources into coverage of a case of this magnitude.
: Re: how much people love thier ipods...
: シビト August 23, 2006, 11:00:51 AM
wow taking legal actions for just losing an ipod... well problema nla yun... ako kht wla ipod natutuwa ako kse yung friend ko na lagi ko kasama may ipod yun lagi ko rin gnagamit...
: Re: how much people love thier ipods...
: gh0st August 23, 2006, 11:21:30 AM
It means only one thing... Mas mahalaga yung IPod nya kesa sa kaibigan niya.
: Re: how much people love thier ipods...
: heymyke August 23, 2006, 08:49:24 PM
If you worked hard to pay for an ipod and have someone else lose it, you would sue too.
: Re: how much people love thier ipods...
: MEXX August 24, 2006, 02:43:49 AM
aba, kahit nman ako eh.. kung pinag hirapan ko ba nman un tapos mahal pa.. tapos ganun lang! aba baka ma-paslang ko pa un! hehehe...
: Re: how much people love thier ipods...
: Intellisense August 25, 2006, 12:25:27 PM
wag naman gnun.. pabayadan ko n lng or buy me a new one... okei n un