
Entertainment News, Photos, Videos and Discussions (Celebs, Movies, Music) => Entertainment/Celebs => : FerminaDaza November 25, 2013, 02:25:27 PM

: James Franco & Seth Rogen Spoof Kimye's 'Bound 2'
: FerminaDaza November 25, 2013, 02:25:27 PM


Kanye West released his new music video for the song “Bound 2″ on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. It featured Kanye on a motorcycle looking disinterested while his fiancee Kim Kardashian’s impressive boobies blocked his view of the road. It was, in short, ridiculous.

Enter Seth Rogen and James Franco, who made a shot-for-shot recreation of the video for your viewing pleasure. Before you even ask, yes Seth Rogen plays Kim Kardashian, and yes it’s just as amazing as it sounds.

[Screencrush] (


James & Seth have more chemistry than Kimye  ;D

: Re: James Franco & Seth Rogen Spoof Kimye's 'Bound 2'
: kenji_kulet November 25, 2013, 07:32:00 PM
 ::lmao mas ok pa yung version nila James Franco and Seth Rogen