
Espiya Lobby => Personal Advise Corner => : FerminaDaza November 08, 2012, 02:31:22 PM

: The Emotional Guidance Scale
: FerminaDaza November 08, 2012, 02:31:22 PM


 I passed around this Emotional Guidance Scale so we could all identify where we were at. If it’s possible to be in both spirals at once.

I really believe AWARENESS is the key...Look, downward spiral started with boredom.

I simultaneously a #4 upward (positive expectation and belief) before and now with all the tools around like this stuff am choosing to remain & do feel #1 (love/appreciation) #11 downward (Overwhelment) hope not to go near the bottom ever again.

Where are you at today? Increase your vibration and Spiral Up !  toast::