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Author Topic: Help Identify Cancer Earlier  (Read 14932 times)


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Help Identify Cancer Earlier
« on: October 05, 2022, 09:04:54 am »
Take Proactive Steps
To Help Identify Cancer Earlier
™ may help detect many common cancers at
their earlier, more treatable stages. It’s an accessible,
affordable way to put you in better charge of your health.


Why is early detection so vital?
A study published in August by
the American Cancer Society
(ACS) noted that “screening of
asymptomatic persons for cancer
represents a bedrock of cancer
control because it increases
the probability of successful
treatment.” But the current
recommended screening tests
address cancers that account for
only a third of all cancer deaths.
New tests for the early detection
of multiple cancers from a single
blood draw may help detect a
range of cancers with no current
screening options. The ACS study
identified individuals over age 50,
as well as those with a smoking
history, high BMI, or a family history
of any cancer, as those who
“may benefit from enhanced
cancer screening and
prevention interventions.”
What’s the role of a
blood test in early detection?
Tumors produce antigens
that can be detected in the
blood, often at the early
stages of cancers.
How does OneTest™ work?
™ is a simple blood
test that screens for multicancers in the body, including
cancers of the lung, colon,
pancreas, prostate, ovary and
liver. In addition to measuring
a panel of biomarkers, OneTest
incorporates machine learning
to derive a personalized risk
assessment for developing
cancer. When repeated yearly,
OneTest can identify rising
biomarker levels which might be
a sign of early stage cancer.